Saturday, February 5, 2011

Open Letter to the Seasons.

My dearest Winter & Summer,

Both of you are pretty much my favorite seasons.
For different reasons, of course.

Winter, i love the snow you bring, and how you hold my birthday in your wintery belly.
The fact that i get to wear my big Calvin Klein winter coat when you come around gets me excited when fall exits, & you enter.
But my dear, I must honestly admit that you leave me shivering with goosebumps and I do not like that feeling hands, nose, and feet get so cold and are always covered.i`d like to wear at least shorts in my house.but no, your cold fingers stretch into my room, for some unholy reason.
I can`t wear my hair wet & curly outside because my head would freeze almost instantly..
You are also the season that brings about a cold.I don`t appreciate how i got sick TWICE in one month [January]. >:(
Nevertheless, I still love you.Mainly because i`m a winter baby. :)

I could never forget you, summer.
How could i, with that almost unbearable heat you brought us last year.
I do like how i can wear shorts, regular tees, & flip-flops when you`re around.
that crispy brown tan my body enjoys is a particular favorite of you, my dear summer.
all those glorious tan lines i get, ah yes, i love those too.
but, summer, you kill me with that intense heat that makes me sweat.
you should know that i do not like all that sweaty nonsense.
i don`t care if that`s how the body cools itself down, i still don`t like it!
but it`s okay, i`ll always love you.
how could i not?i`m a hot blooded individual.i like heat!

Never change, my favorite seasons.

Truly yours,

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