Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Men In Uniform..

..Make me melt.

a guy came into my job today wearing what i think was a police academy uniform? Or something.
Talk about oo la la!

In my opinion, if you`re male and in uniform, you are automatically hot.
Police officer, firefighter, military...etc. etc.

THEN I deduct hotness points as I take a look at actual you - face, body, whatever.

Am I shallow for doing this?

But you know what, I`m okay with that.
Just because I KNOW I can`t possibly be the only female who does this.

I mean, let`s be honest here.
You see a dude in military attire, you can`t help but to try to sneak a peek at his face..
Because his uniform enticed you a bit...

I`m just sayin`.



20 Something Bloggers

I finally got admin approval from 20sb.net!
It`s a website for 20-something bloggers to just check each other out & share posts from their blogs & twitter..

so basically i`m now on it..
check me out!


Can You Be Friends With Your Ex?

So the other day I was thinking about possibly talking to one of my ex`s through IM. (I know..I still have it..*lame*)
Anyways; I just wanted to see how he was, what was new with him & whatnot.
I was still hesistant, though, because he lives a couple streets from me & I`m sure he would be like "oh hey let`s hang out" aaaaand I dunno if I would actually want to hang out..I`m not all for the whole "ex`s hanging out" thing. Plus I don`t want him to regain any feelings for me, because he still liked me after the split. (which, by the way, was several years ago).

Basically, my question is this: Can you still be friends with your ex?
Correction: Can you still be on polite & friendly terms with him (or her)?
I`m not saying that I WANT or HAVE to be friends with him, but is it possible for me to be at least a friendly acquaintance to him?
I`d like to say yes, but we`ll have to see.

Sidenote: I do not have feelings for him.

Trial & Error?
Sure.Why not..


Monday, November 29, 2010

Swing.. & Bow Down.

Me with my niece at the Laurel Dog Park...11.28.10
courtesy of John Mathew Smith

Twitter....& Other Postings

Hi, whoever reads my blog.

I`ve had this blog since Jan `07.
Don`t really use it much.
Shame, because I have so many random thoughts that I should really post up here.

I post random blurbs on my Twitter..but 140 characters limits me to the other ramblings I want to go on about.

Guess I`m gonna have to actually use this!
Even though tumblr is out there...
But why would i have two blogs?
When I barely post on one?

Alrighty.gotta buckle down and USE this page!
I made it for a reason, I gotta bloggity blog away!

I know I`ve said this before, but I WILL be posting more on here.
full blog post > 140 character posting.


Dog Park.

A couple of months ago we stumbled upon a dog park about 5 minutes from where we live.
it`s probably one of the best discoveries we`ve made in the 7 years we`ve been living in this area.

we love going there; our pup (who is 10 months now!) has made lots of friends & he loves running back and forth with all the dogs that go.

i admire all the dogs that come in; big small or medium, i love all dogs!

there is a dog owner who takes pictures as well; he`s awesome i love looking at his pictures when he posts them on his blog. Check him out!
