Sunday, March 25, 2007

photoshop && collEgE

so i lEarnEd how to photoshop somE pics...likE tExt on the picturEs...and i`vE had a ton of fun on somE picssss =]
...and thE capital 'E's arE somEthing that i just randomly startEd to yEah prEtty much.

and spring has arrivEd!3rd quartEr at school EndEd on friday..i got a 92 on my litEraturE papEr!!! i`ll scan it and post it..i am S0 proud of mysElf..i honEstly thought i would gEt at LEAST a low B.yay mE!!!! =] now that it`s 4th quartEr..i`vE gotta do my bEst.anddd wE can wEar our polos [our short slEEvEd uniform shirt].prEtty swEEt.

on monday GC had thE collEgE day [thEy havE onE EvEry yEar.]i had soo much fun, i`m supEr ExcitEd for collEgE!i collEctEd so much information, oh my gosh i had a blast!i harrassEd the guy at ProvidEncE [poor guy] and i`m trEs intErEstEd in duquEsnE, york, providEncE, uh..lEt`s sEE..oh yEah LaSallE, DrEw...thE pEoplE rEprEsEnting thE school wErE actually on thE admissions committEE!!!!-somE wErE assistant dirEctor or somEthing likE that!-so i madE SURE i was nicE and askEd many quEstions, you know, makE a good imprEssion so thEy rEmEmbEr mE!ooooooooooo yay...thE complEtE list of schools i likE will bE up in thE nExt day or so..YEEEEEEEEEEE collEgE!!!

gosh..high school fliEs by so fast..i STiLL rEmEmbEr my frEshman yEar.and i will soon bE a sEnior!what is going on with thE world gEEz.

okay you guys..Enough for today.i`ll updatE soon.,.,.i know i say that in EvEry post and i nEvEr actually gEt around to doing it..but this timE i WiLL do it.kay. =]

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