Wednesday, October 17, 2007


i`m [legally] behind the wheel !

yup yuppp
got my license todayy
i`m S0 boostedd.

life is greatt.

work is pretty good, too.
..except my feet were on friday.
but it`s a really fun job. i like itt. :]

Saturday, October 6, 2007


i`m HiRED !
i am now a dish!er !

sooo pumped
i like the place
it`s awesome

my first shift is
October 12th.
from 5-close.

i`m very excited

Sunday, September 23, 2007


some good things about being on the school newspaper...

..i get to be on the SiDELiNES !!!
to all the football games !!

oh i L0VE iTT.

and also i now have an excuse for pulling out my camera to take pictures of everything.
woohoo !

my camera = my life // obsession.

wheeee ! :]

Sunday, September 16, 2007

is it too much to ask...

for a little peace && quiet @ night ?

for goodness sakes ; i just took a 5 hour test ; can i please get some sleep ?!?!

││ » i was that close to calling noise control.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


i`m a senior.
that`s whatsuppp.

ok so two weeks of school have gone by.
not too much to report.
math still stinks.
lit is gonna drive me crazy.
pretty much.

and then the college thing.
is gonna drive me even more crazy.


can`t wait to get an assignment that i`ll actually do.

oh please.
who am i kidding with THAT statement ?!
i`m such a dreamer.


Saturday, August 25, 2007


it`s over.
my summer is gone.

goodbye freedom.
goodbye..doing nothing.
goodbye...getting darker every second i`m outside.

hello school.
hello homework.
hello torture.
hello...demonic teachers.

yeah pretty much.

i go back on Monday.
very sad
but yet still very excited..
i`m a senior now !!!
yay meee =D

but my first day back will be harsh.
my classes are ::
B1 Honors Chorus
B2 AP Spanish 6
B3 AP/iB Lit
B4 Intro to Tech

..two AP classes back to back.
how cruel is THAT ?!

and then Tuesday my sched goes ::
G1 Study Hall
G2 Senior Religion
G3 Study Hall
G4 iB Calculus SL

oh boy.
did you notice the name of my math class ?
yeah. iB Calculus Standard Level.
that`s going to kick my behind all year.
..not if i can help it !

i`m excited though.
because my AP and iB classes
are going to look GREAT.on my college apps.

oy apps.

colleges i`m applying to for sure ::
1. Towson University [Towson, MD]
2. UM [College Park]
3. University of New Haven [New Haven, CT]
4. UMBC [Baltimore County yay]
5. Jacksonville University [Jacksonville, FL]
6. Temple University [Philadelphia, PA]

and then here are the maybe`s ::
1. St. Mary`s College of MD [St. Mary`s City, MD]
2. Syracuse University [Syracuse, NY]
3. NYU [NY, NY]
» {this one i`m still VERY shaky about.}

so yes.
there you have it.
i`ll be posting about my first week of...senior year..
next week.

oh by the way..
officially 6 months until my 18th birthday !
and i take my driver`s test sept 11.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

red carpet && glamour ?

so i`m off to camp today.
no..not as a camper..
as a counselor.
i do my service hours there like every year since `o4.
it`s really fun i love it.
run by Children`s`s a camp for epileptic kids.
learn about epilepsy here.`s a good times ; this year`s theme is H0LLYW00D !
superrr excited to see my besties from there :: Alexis && Stephanie.
i haven`t seen them in some time ; i miss them :/
it`s gonna be greattt.once all the kids have gone to sleep
me && some fellow counselors are going to partayy.
not the bad type of party..more like..blasting music from speakers
staying up late eating talking on the fone..basically having the type of fun the older peeps
wanna have. :D
...eating ? after the kids have gone nighty-night ? why ?
because.the counselors can`t eat in front of the kids unless we`re all eating together.we can`t even talk on the fone.[no cell fone rule.yeah...]
but after 1o`s ok for us to do all of that.let`s call it freedom. :]
0H YEAH.we also do pranks.oh`s GREAT.
and people try to figure out what cabin did it.
Was it the Hawks ? [older boys.] the Bears ? [younger boys.] the Foxes ? [older girls.] the Deer ? [younger girls.]`s the counselors who pull the pranks..along with some of the supervisors.mwahaha ! :]

so yeah.i`m gone till the 28th.i`m so excited.YAYYYY.
i`ll update wen i come back with some awesomely funny quotes..and some pics of course !


Sunday, July 15, 2007

it`s been pretty hot lately.

[my pic along with photoshop words.]
..that`s really hot.

time flies wen ur having fun ?

i`m getting depressed.
it feels like my summer vacay is like...over.
it`s gone by sooooo quick
and i REALLY don`t feel like going back
i`m a senior.that scares me.seriously.
ok so i`ve spent the majority of time with my lovely neighborss
gotta say.they are very very fun.the kids are something else
i love them ! we went to the movies the other day ; saw Ice Age 2 : The Meltdown.
it was very comical..i laughed a lot.
one thing about kids...they`re really..curious.curious sponges.
E :: mommy, what does 'damn' mean ?
A :: uhhh...'dam' is what holds the water back.............
E :: but why he say it like that ?
A :: uhmmm....
[at that was pretty obvious that he knew that it was a bad word..]
it was...interesting.

ah summer days.
i`m losing my tan lines.
i`m sad. :[

kayyy.laters gaters !

Sunday, June 17, 2007

best shots.

Grand Canyon.[view from the plane]

Mom && I.
Captain Jackie !

replica of a cable from the GGB.
driving underneath.[came out nice !]
i`m on my tiptoes !
Cypress Tree.3oo+ years old !
that has gotta be the CUTEST little animal.EVER.

oh hey !

hiii guysssss
yes i`m backkkk !
it`s been soooo long, hasn`t it ?
so...update ::
i`m no longer a junior ! i`m outttt of school
anddddd now a senior YAY ! ^_^
so i went to Californiaaaaaaaa
on the 9th.
and came back yesterday ; the 16th.
it.was.AMAZiNG !
i stayed in San Jose ; went to :: San Francisco, Santa Cruz, [Santa Clara ?] Monterey, forget where else....
i`m sooo tan.
...i get dark very no surprise there..
i resized some very pretty pictures to post up here.
S0ME pictures.because i took wayy too many.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


......need i say more?


Saturday, March 31, 2007

yeah..AB0UT that...

alright alright i`ll admit it i`m lazy!

report cards on friday...
may i say that i`m doing quite EXCELLENT this year?!?!
3.5 AGAiN this quarter yay me!

okay..later gator!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

can-can can you do the scan-can? i kinda lied about the scanning thingie.
it`s 6 pages people give me a break!

oh anddddd also....i got my religion essay back..anddd..drumroll please...
92 AS WELL!oh man am i good or what. that makes it to...12 pages?1o?sorry..but i will TRY..
kay.that is all.

....for [right] now. =]

Sunday, March 25, 2007

photoshop && collEgE

so i lEarnEd how to photoshop somE pics...likE tExt on the picturEs...and i`vE had a ton of fun on somE picssss =]
...and thE capital 'E's arE somEthing that i just randomly startEd to yEah prEtty much.

and spring has arrivEd!3rd quartEr at school EndEd on friday..i got a 92 on my litEraturE papEr!!! i`ll scan it and post it..i am S0 proud of mysElf..i honEstly thought i would gEt at LEAST a low B.yay mE!!!! =] now that it`s 4th quartEr..i`vE gotta do my bEst.anddd wE can wEar our polos [our short slEEvEd uniform shirt].prEtty swEEt.

on monday GC had thE collEgE day [thEy havE onE EvEry yEar.]i had soo much fun, i`m supEr ExcitEd for collEgE!i collEctEd so much information, oh my gosh i had a blast!i harrassEd the guy at ProvidEncE [poor guy] and i`m trEs intErEstEd in duquEsnE, york, providEncE, uh..lEt`s sEE..oh yEah LaSallE, DrEw...thE pEoplE rEprEsEnting thE school wErE actually on thE admissions committEE!!!!-somE wErE assistant dirEctor or somEthing likE that!-so i madE SURE i was nicE and askEd many quEstions, you know, makE a good imprEssion so thEy rEmEmbEr mE!ooooooooooo yay...thE complEtE list of schools i likE will bE up in thE nExt day or so..YEEEEEEEEEEE collEgE!!!

gosh..high school fliEs by so fast..i STiLL rEmEmbEr my frEshman yEar.and i will soon bE a sEnior!what is going on with thE world gEEz.

okay you guys..Enough for today.i`ll updatE soon.,.,.i know i say that in EvEry post and i nEvEr actually gEt around to doing it..but this timE i WiLL do it.kay. =]

Saturday, March 3, 2007

guess who`s 17 =D

indeed ; i am 17!!!!!!!February 25th was like totally amazing cuzzzz it snowed!pretty excitinggg i have sooo many pics but before i put them on i have to make the file size extreeeemely smaller so...keep posted!

love alwayss

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

snow in Mo.Co.?REALLY?! montgomery county.[i know!]enough to close down school.

am i happy?

isn`t it somewhat scenic?mom is shoveling.cookie loves the snow ; but you can`t really tell.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

click click it`s pics!

fone cuddling =]
oh i`m TOO cool
school makes us go CRAZY!
she`s too cute!
the extremely neon orange hat!

Saturday, January 27, 2007


what`s new you guys?sorry i haven`t updated i`ve had some time to..but i`m lazy.=]
so..i had 2 ½ days of school this week...monday was the March For Life.I went..and o my gosh it`s amazing.all these people from all around the nation come together for one cause : pro life. It`s pretty sad the pictures they show of..well, i`m not gonna go there.
tuesday ; wednesday ; thursday : same school crud. friday no school because of..i don`t know.this monday no school because of a teacher retreat!ahhh this is the life =]

but i have not really fun.oh well.

anyway ; i have pics of some of the March and of some of the crazy antics i was up to these past few days.
later alligator!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

pictures what?!

kind of late with these pictures..but ok?
..more pics to come! =]

Friday, January 19, 2007

why..hello there!

so..this is my first blog post..pretty excited oooo hayy!anyways..
it`s the weekend ; oh it`s an awesome weekend so far!babysat for my neighbor`s kids..they`re pretty awesome gotta love them!andd...i got my report card..i`m proud of myself..junior year is going very well!i got a 3.5 GPA..but last quarter i had a it was a slight drop but it`s long as i keep it up! life is kind of i will possibly update later!
awesome. ♥